Taedonggang Diplomatic Club i Pyongyang

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Juche Tower Street, Pyongyang, Tongdaewon District, KP North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0126628, Longitude: 125.7628342
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Kommentar 5

  • Jim Grabber

    Jim Grabber


    There is a stink in the drink but the hooker is a looker. And 8 years in prison for saying so.

  • Gregory Padgett

    Gregory Padgett


    I ordered a dead 12-year-old North Korean boy here last week, and instead I got a dead North Korean infant girl. I was very dissatisfied when they got my order wrong, so I demanded to speak out against the manager of the establishment. It turns out that the manager was the Dear Leader himself since he apparently owns everything in North Korea. I'm being taken to a labor camp soon, but I'm sure the experience there will be better than the one I had at this restaurant! Also, they don't offer take-out. Bummer. :/

  • Aleksa Komatina

    Aleksa Komatina


    amazing almost got arrested for trying to order a hamburger

  • MrCbot



    The food was not bad it was really nice, but my main concern was the toxic smell coming from the river. Other than that and the smell of socialism it was an amazing experience. Going to refer Bernie Sanders here.

  • Jack Whitehead

    Jack Whitehead


    made donald trump proud .ok rocketboy suck it hail trump

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