Baljeet's Curry House, Pyongyang i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850 12235466
Latitude: 39.0364016, Longitude: 125.7398135
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Kommentar 5

  • Ping Lao

    Ping Lao


    Turns out it was just a factory making bombs, the 'curry' was just kids who died operating the machinery, was tasty though.

  • Jon Sevigny

    Jon Sevigny


    So were sitting there sharing the bowl of curry. And who walks in but Dennis Rodman. It's his fav place to eat when in town. Such a treat. He is actually a very nice man. A little handsy with the slave staff but nice. Menu doesn't change month from month to month but if you get there early you get an extra scoop of dung paste.




    Lovely establishment! I sought refuge in here while being chased by the authorities after my entire family was slaughtered, and had a hearty meal of cardboard noodle soup, earthworms and fistfuls of grass. Simply delicious.

  • Moma Ding Dong

    Moma Ding Dong


    The Curry was amazing!!!! I loved it, but I didn't love how the Supreme leader came and shot my wife. :(

  • Ashley Hall

    Ashley Hall


    I came for the curry. I stayed for the Gulag. By the way, I really like the way the night soil compost brings out the flavour and the nutriance of the steamed vegetable side dish. The only negative comment; the waitress didn't smile much. Sorry, only 4 stars from me.

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