Yanggakdo Hot Dog Stand i Pyongyang

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Corea del Norte, Pyongyang, Bangdong Road, Pyongyang
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 38.9911172, Longitude: 125.7452412
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Kommentar 5

  • Chris Smithee

    Chris Smithee


    Pros: Can’t beat the price. Paid a nickel in evil USA coin and the vendor offered to sell entire business. Told him to keep the change. Hot dog was VERY authentic! Cons: Spent a year in re-education camp learning how BEST KOREA won all the gold medals the recent olympics in WORST KOREA. Supreme Leader was very proud

  • Thomas Humpheson

    Thomas Humpheson


    was pretty god except when i ordered they open a box and took out a dog and just put it in the microwave alive. The dog was tasty apart from the hair and bones but other then that it was great!

  • Adam Weil

    Adam Weil


    Supreme Hot Dog Stand. "Presidential", you could call it. Frequented by both the Obama and Clinton family who say, "Cannot wait to eat Dog again!"

  • Benjamin Pederson

    Benjamin Pederson


    Best place to watch missile tests into the Japanese sea. 5 stars.

  • Joe Chanthavong

    Joe Chanthavong


    I like eating here because they served real hot dog🐕♨️ not like America fake advertising 😂😂🤣🤣🤣

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