Taedonggang Restaurant Boat i Taedong

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Taedong, South Pyongan, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0216249, Longitude: 125.7573059
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Kommentar 5

  • a guy from Florida

    a guy from Florida


    1/10 drowned after the boat sank after it went 3 feet, it also took 5 hours for the workers to find fuel..oh and the food was good

  • daniel james

    daniel james


    What a wonderful place, took my partner here for our anniversary. When we finished the meal and started walking home we noticed one of the child workers walking behind us. We offered him a lift, turns out he was a really small man. The supreme leader had stunted his growth as punishment for the mistakes he has made at the restaurant. What a lovely little man.

  • Joel Carrillo

    Joel Carrillo


    The dog anus soup was delicious! 26787/10 would recommend! Dear leader approved!

  • Legate Lanius

    Legate Lanius


    On a beautiful day with our Great Leader, we had a wonderful dinner on the lake. It really isn't as bad as you hear!

  • Vulcanscienceacademy



    What a FUN experience!! The staff tie ropes around the feet of orphans who dive off the boat to catch your meal. What they bring back is usually a 'chef's choice' seeing as those kids can bring anything from a 30 pound river carp to an endangered river dolphin. The ropes insure that those zany kids don't high tail it to the shore and eat what they've caught seeing as most of them are half starved by the Great Leader's current policies. All in all a great, romantic experience. Don't forget to tip your waitress/official minder.

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