Chongryu Restaurant i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.023501, Longitude: 125.7291708
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Kommentar 5

  • Benjamin Thomas Smith Ingendahl 6Z Hørsholm Skole

    Benjamin Thomas Smith Ingendahl 6Z Hørsholm Skole


    well the food was good but they´r were som south korean spys and i but i liked my dog it was extra tendor

  • InDPRK平壤冷麵



    The food is so delicious that you ought to be there for once in your tour.

  • Foosa Braun

    Foosa Braun


    I ordered the Kim extravaganza pizza (around $75) it had a lot of orphan and horse meat. The food was okay but the best part was: I got ants on the pizza for free!

  • Joshua Kane

    Joshua Kane


    Horrible food. Gave me bugs instead of dog and chicken instead of dragon. Nothing had any flavor. I wish I could tell the great leader that this is his type of restaurant.

  • Sean McGreevy

    Sean McGreevy


    I absolutely loved this place, here's a picture of my dish, it is sure to put a smile on your face! Although, I rated it four stars because I kept hearing constant howling and the waterfront smelled a bit like toxic waste.

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