Kinderkaufhaus Pjöngjang i Pyongyang

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Sungri Street, Pyongyang, Central District, KP Nordkorea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0300462, Longitude: 125.7570568
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Kommentar 5

  • Ho-Lee Fuk

    Ho-Lee Fuk


    I was under the impression this was a Kids department store, you know, stuff for kids! I found out you can actually adopt kids here. They offered me newly birthed twins but I had to turn them down since I don't speak Korean.

  • Nikhil Gopaluni

    Nikhil Gopaluni


    This is definetly not a children's place. It's filthy and unsanatized. They should shut this place down.

  • Ping Lao

    Ping Lao


    Don't let the name fool you. Its not a store for kids but rather a place where you buy them. Ive seen better fed Somali children then these ones.

  • Marek Jánský

    Marek Jánský


    kravina pro kim čong una

  • Joe Wylen

    Joe Wylen


    I bought 3 children here. They were very quality children. Unfortunately, one of them was defective (It was actually a small man). I returned the defective child with no hassle what so ever. I would buy all my children from here.

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