Kwangbok Department Store i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0340993, Longitude: 125.6921331
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Kommentar 5

  • Lewis Miller

    Lewis Miller


    All the manniquins are real people, trapped by the glory of Kim-Jong-Un. Please send help. I am Trapped by Kim's power. It was too much.

  • Gregory Noren

    Gregory Noren


    all hail the supreme reader who triumphs over all capitolists KIM JON UN!

  • Jon Sevigny

    Jon Sevigny


    I was over whelmed with the selection of items. Should I splurge on the banana peel or pre-chewed gum. Thursday is seniors day between 1-2 pm. Always a line up. at the rice bowl counter. Bathroom hole is clean as is the baby changing station. Due to lack of power at times. most products are canned. And weirdly enough unlabeled. Even weirder is that there are no can openers except at Kim's house.

  • Lena R

    Lena R


    ican't believe how many different fruits and veggies there are. okay..the orphans at the counter seemed nice and the rice included only a few teeth and toenails. 5/5 would shop again !

  • Alexander Wolfe

    Alexander Wolfe


    great stuff guys keep up the good work. the quality of the food tastes like plastic tho but its good. lets make north korea great again.

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