Yokjon Department Store i Pyongyang

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Sosong Street, Pyongyang, Central District, KP North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0067268, Longitude: 125.7360814
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Kommentar 5

  • Liam Parrish Rainey

    Liam Parrish Rainey


    Great selection but just wondering why I saw 3 little girls about 10 years old getting raped by workers? Other than that the tide pods were great!

  • Jeff Close

    Jeff Close


    Great place to shop for all your Juche needs. If you can't find it here, the Great Leader hasn't invented it yet.

  • Paul Ruark

    Paul Ruark


    It’s hard to find a Fathead poster of Kim Jong Un (besides literally every picture of him, because he has a fat head), but man!! Yokjon Department Store has a WIDE selection (pun intended). But seriously, that’s all there is. Just fat pictures of the little fat man. 2/5 would probably go to Target.

  • CarriageHill Halloween

    CarriageHill Halloween


    well since this whole N. korea map is now nothing but silly reviews, i guess ill go along with it, this place has the greatest Trump dolls made in china..but dont buy the knockoff dolls made in N. korea, they have microphones installed to listen to us

  • Kewin Jhonstone

    Kewin Jhonstone


    Best Nazi propaganda in the whole world (except for the White House official shop). 10/10 would recommend just be careful not to get put in prison or executed. Donald Trump III

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