Rungna People′s Pleasure Ground i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, Nordkorea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0405019, Longitude: 125.7657649
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Kommentar 5

  • D M

    D M


    Total decent handy's and beejay's at the good ole Pleasure Ground. Less teeth next time ladies! I know you're starving but geesh! I wanna give Kim Jung Un a facial!

  • Joshua Bohannon

    Joshua Bohannon


    It turns out getting across the DMZ isn't that easy. My mom always told me I should think things out before I act, but that didn't stop me from parachuting in. Apparently, North Koreans aren't too keen on Americans coming over uninvited. Moments before I was to die via firing squad, their fearless leader intervened as to further inquire about my motives. I explained sincerely my pursuit of happiness and my hopes for this pleasure ground. Kim chuckled softly and reached out to caress my face. He smiled and explained the mistranslation. I was then invited to be a guest in his home. K-dog showed me his tank and his favorite enslaved lovers and expressed his hate for Seth Rogen multiple times. I think I convinced him to stop his missile testing program as a show of good faith to the world but only time will tell. It's just a crappy playground, btw

  • conrad hyde

    conrad hyde


    quite pleasurable and worth the trip, it is only 4 stars, as you can get the same experience by going to your nearby leisure centre.

  • Michael Naughton

    Michael Naughton


    I love this pleasure park so much! The food and service was great! The supreme leader himself made an appearance to blow me. It truly was the best time ever!




    A people's pleasure park? Contrary to the inviting picture on the place marker with the swing set, this was just a massive nuclear reactor that was spraying waste everywhere. That's probably how they supply all of the liquids in this great country. Fun place to be.

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