Rungna Wading Pool i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0353907, Longitude: 125.7628652
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Kommentar 5




    The pool is filled with a mixture of chemical-laced water and raw sewage. I saw a lot of dead bodies while I was swimming around in there. It might have been because I was the only one with a radiation-proof diving suit, but hey, maybe they're just weaklings. Three stars because Kim forgot to take his daily urination into the pool on the day I was there.

  • Mordecai The Awesome Bluejay #PuppetMaster

    Mordecai The Awesome Bluejay #PuppetMaster


    Very fun and relaxing pool of "water" I only gave it four stars though. Because there was a dead body floating in the water (probably a dead capitalist pig)

  • kyle wiggington

    kyle wiggington


    me and my homie Kim Jong come here all the time to get drunk and pee in the water always a blast.

  • Adam Weil

    Adam Weil


    No fun here, all snails hunted to extinction, best to look at water park for tastiest food in Korea Land.

  • Ewan Lewis

    Ewan Lewis


    Loved it, Kim offered me a quickie in the paddling pool. Best moment of my life, no wonder he's endorsed by supreme.

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