Pyongyang Grand Theatre i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0086524, Longitude: 125.7500715
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Kommentar 5

  • The amazing Owen

    The amazing Owen


    The movies were bad, the food there was also bad, the staff was also bad, it was extremely dirty and I was forced to give this a 5-Star rating because a local critic got sentenced to a Prison Camp for giving one of their movies a 1 Star rating.

  • Lebrun Clément

    Lebrun Clément


    Great place to see the movie of our great Leader. God bless this man and my wife who has been executed

  • Wang Jerry

    Wang Jerry


    The operas were very enlightening and a must see for all doubters. There is a huge variety of operas, such as the one that tells the story of how the Great Leader once finished a 9-hole golf course in 8 shots and the opera about the birth of Great Leader from the heavens.

  • C. Quinn

    C. Quinn


    This theatre is so grand. It is so grand it is the grandest theater constructed in any of the two developed nations in the world. Those two nations are North Korea and China. Every other nation is a deprived wasteland of flame, suffering and hideous toxin-filled mutants.That being said, the Grand Theatre is still not as grand as Great Leader. For he has blessed us with this Theatre and can beat up Matt Damon whenever he likes.

  • Len Allen

    Len Allen


    Not so much movies as much videos of food and people enjoying food. Concessions are reasonably priced and typical theatre fare. Hot "dog"s, Kim nachos (raw peeled potato covered in potato peels). Most of the seats have backs on them.

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