East Pyongyang Grand Theatre i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0310346, Longitude: 125.7703699
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Kommentar 5

  • Terrence Chamberlain

    Terrence Chamberlain


    Awesome film called "starving America" shows how barbaric the west is starving it's people! disgusting donald trump!

  • Lloyd Williams

    Lloyd Williams


    Great Leader actually built this by hand, after designing it when he was just a baby. Now, they show movies about how great he is. I want to be impregnated by him here!

  • Dylan Newby

    Dylan Newby


    Many theatrical masterpieces have been played here. One, called "How to Avoid the Labor Camp" was magnificent! My favorite performance was "Execution Extravaganza" which had live people in it!

  • Allan Cao

    Allan Cao


    Great show with an excellent performance of How to Make a Nuclear weapon in 3 EASY steps!!! Only down side was my drink of Cola-Coca was contaminated with nuclear radiation after the spectacular show of "home made" missiles. 5/5 would come again (with a radiation suit! )

  • Ethan the Local Meme Dealer

    Ethan the Local Meme Dealer


    Amazing performance! It had so much meaning to it, and it inspired me to become a better person. The play was about the biography of Kim il-Sung and all the other supreme leaders. Plus, there was a nuke show at the end, and I was the only survivor.

Nærmeste Biograf:


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