Kwangmyong Station i Pionyang

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Pionyang, Corea del Norte
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.06717, Longitude: 125.7876318
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Kommentar 5

  • Joe Regulator

    Joe Regulator


    spent a few in NK, this was an interesting experience.

  • Adrian Gabriel Popescu

    Adrian Gabriel Popescu


    Statiile de metrou din Phenian sunt printre cele mai adanci si mai frumoase din lume!

  • bhad reveiw form cas

    bhad reveiw form cas


    백악관에서 당신을 성교하십시오. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA baeg-aggwan-eseo dangsin-eul seong-gyohasibsio. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA

  • Dylan Newby

    Dylan Newby


    I saw many locals living in the train station because their Supreme leader forced them out of their houses to make way for his own museum showing off his fat folds that have fallen off his body.

  • MrCbot



    The local people being our horses was nice, because trains are a luxury... it was a nice experience until my wife's horse started to procreate with another horse. It was terrible, also, i did like the view of that giant white building. But the downside with that is that it has trash socialist propaganda on it.

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