Kaeson i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0431902, Longitude: 125.7540249
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Kommentar 5

  • Siqi Wang

    Siqi Wang


    A user on roblox later created a game called "Dubai was lit", which was a replica of Dubai with camels and billions of strippers in it. Because that was the only playable game on the site people began flocking into the game and the game acheived 1 million players in it at one time. A few hackers found their way in and inserted pictures of dicks onto the skyscrapers and cars. The owner of the game was soon notified about this incident, and he proceeded to inspect the hacked server. By then the server was a total abomination to roblox since sexual images were all over almost everything.

  • Kian Doherty

    Kian Doherty


    You guys don't know anything. Kim Jong Un is actually a hero. This Switzerland educated modern age savior did not ask for the responsibility of saving the planet, and yet his father had tasked him with that heavy responsibility on his death bed. In his last few moments before passing, Kim Jong Il explained to his son the horrible truth: There are horrific monsters lurking under the earth's mantle! It was their sacred duty to rid the planet from those monsters. They couldn't reveal the truth to the rest of the world, for fear of causing panic and mass hysteria. Kim Jong Il reached out for help to the Bush administration, and to avoid surveillance, and for the purpose of plausible deniability, they used a famous basketball player who flew to North Korea, witnessed some of the captured monsters with his own eyes, and came back to the US to give a deposition to the US secret service. Upon learning of the horrible truth, George Bush decided to help North Korea by sending a team of nuclear physicists. Nobody could know about this of course, and that was the moment one of the longest running farces has been crafted. Copying from Nixon's "Madman Theory", they agreed that the North Korean leadership must appear to be insane, for if any images of the monsters leak from North Korea (despite their iron hold on information and their strict censorship), the rest of the world would automatically assume it's a joke and would never take anything coming from North Korea seriously. So Ladies & Gentlemen, now that you know the truth, please join me in supporting his excellence, Kim Jong Un. Him and his heroic people are sacrificing themselves every day so that we may live in blissful ignorance, buying our Salted Caramel ice cream, our iPhones and our Teslas, while North Koreans die fighting monsters.

  • Supreme x Louis Vuitton Meme God

    Supreme x Louis Vuitton Meme God


    Saw kim on a train, he had the tallest hairline i had ever seen so i said a quick OOF meme and luckily he thought it was the guy next to me, almost died today but at least the service was ok.

  • Positive Journeys

    Positive Journeys


    This is the deepest metro station in the world, circa 120 meters. The interior design and operation tremendous, looks similar to Moscow metro. You get to ride a few stations mingled with 'NK commuters'. Suspend the belief you are part of Truman Show and focus on architecture and wagons. It is surreal indeed.

  • Ryan Trumpeter

    Ryan Trumpeter


    Amazing experience on the North Korean underground/nuclear bunker. Just don't hey left behind like us! The guides were sh****ng themselves but we got to experience real life North Korea. Such a weird and wonderful place!

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