祖国解放戦争勝利記念館 i Harbin

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North Korea, Heilongjiang, Harbin, 39°02'18.0"N 125°44'26.0"E
Kontakter telefon: +850
Hjemmeside: www.koreakonsult.com
Latitude: 39.0383333, Longitude: 125.7405556
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Kommentar 5

  • Daniel D. Reimer

    Daniel D. Reimer


    Honestly one of the best museums I have ever seen. You cant take pics inside but it is phenomenal. Historic facts shown and given are debatable but it sure does give you the other side of the story. They also show you the captured US Pablo on the outside and other captured war machinery. On top of the musuem is a giant 3D 360 degrees mural which has to be seen. Wish we had spent much more time here as there was so much to see.

  • James McKelvey

    James McKelvey


    Hello from the best museum in all of Best Korea! Everyone was super friendly and very helpful! Love what Glorious Leader has done with the place! Please come here to Best Korea!

  • Rybo Flaven

    Rybo Flaven


    I just was not impressed with the popcorn. I asked for extra butter and the girl squatted over it. It did look yellow, like butter, but the taste was not that good. When I drove my Segway away from here, I got both my tires shot out by children playing with AK's. The 2nd day there I found that residents of the neighborhood were crapping on the large pictures of Lil Kim Jong Ill. I took 2 paintings and added a keyboard cat to them with a Sharpie. When I placed them back on the stands, I received a standing ovation. I handed each person a large Marathon bar and they ran away squealing like little girls.

  • Unqstqpable



    hello there i am a nice person who gave u a good review because im bored and therefore i will give u a good review even tho i havent been to asia in 11 months ENJOY THE PAYRAISE

  • Will H.118

    Will H.118


    Positively the best experience of my lifetime. I shoved my starving family into the back of our squirrel powered carriage, and set off towards the museum. The admission price was a little high, so to get the family into the museum, we had to give up our second born son. The exhibits were incredibly enlightening. I really liked the giant wall of the foreskins of capitalist dogs that had been sewn together as an art exhibit. The cafeteria food was impecibal, consisting of orphan stew and street dog on-the-cob. On our way out, we were approached by men with guns and told to pay up for breathing more air than we were supposed to. Although our descendants will be paying our debt for hundreds of years, this trip to the museum was truely inspiring, and worth the price. 10/5, would recommend.

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