Potongmun Restaurant i Pyongyang

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Sosong Street, Pyongyang, Central District, KP North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.023411, Longitude: 125.73889
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Kommentar 5

  • Samantha Lynn

    Samantha Lynn


    I support Kim jong un

  • Daniel Peters

    Daniel Peters


    Best restaurant in world! Happy shiney people! Big smiles everywhere :0) Lots of happy customers. Such good food. 100 times better than best French restaurant! Disclaimer: dessert comes with sprinkling of nerve agent if 5 star review not given.

  • Art Allen

    Art Allen


    Was very disappointed. I ordered deep fried beagle but I am sure they substituted an inferior grade of basset hound. The side of vegetables was only two grains of rice while the menu very clearly stated that it would be three grains. The dessert was cleverly made to look like a cockroach but it ran off before I could taste it.

  • Hayden Beam

    Hayden Beam


    I saw the "Great leader" himself and he was very disappointed so he said to the waiter "im taking away your food rations for a month" otherwise the service was very nice

  • John Doe

    John Doe


    disgusting. i asked for freedom fries and the guy brought me a spoonful of stale rice. i said "screw the dear leader this place sucks" and the wait staff threatened to call the secret police on me. i told them i will not be coming back.

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