Lobster House i Pionyang

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Pionyang, Corea del Norte
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0058809, Longitude: 125.7381766
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Kommentar 5

  • Axel B

    Axel B


    These children looked pretty hungry. So I gave them my "lobster". I bet there aren't any more starving children here

  • WP Tan

    WP Tan


    Supreme Leader cooked for us. The lobster was very delicious. 3 Michelin-star for sure. ps. In hindsight, I'm not sure if it was really lobster. Actually looks more like a small puppy.

  • Paul Ruark

    Paul Ruark


    This place is literally a house for lobsters, not a restaurant. Misleading descriptions online. But neat concepts!! Crustaceans need Homes too! I’m glad to see North Korea puts value on things like this. What a thoughtful country. I’m sure all of its citizens are well treated, too.

  • William White

    William White


    If Jesus came to earth and decreed that there shall be a house of lobster in the great city of Pyongyang and that it should be the best lobster house and the lobster it serves shall be good and just, it would be this lobster house. I ate the lobster with all the gusto of Kim Jong-Un eating Dennis Rodman and I only tipped $0.05 much to the chagrin of Mr. Harmann, but the servers were overjoyed. Get the lobster brick if you know what's good for ya.

  • Samuel Kirchner

    Samuel Kirchner


    Lobster was great. Don’t listen to the bad reviews.

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