Taedonggang Beer Brewery Bar i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 38.9940543, Longitude: 125.8095021
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Kommentar 5

  • Adam Weil

    Adam Weil


    I don't drink, but if they ever allow me, I will have one from here. Snails are good though better than the rubber.

  • Steve Jenkins

    Steve Jenkins


    Seriously did not taste like beer at all... I think it was a mixture of warm piss , ground up prisoners and the beer bottle label had a picture of Barack Obama with Kim Jung un's cock in his mouth.. the beer was called ''Brown Limp Cock IPA'' I walked out the door and was chased down by a bunch of homosexual North Korean soldiers... All of them had semen stains on their pants, shirt, and face...

  • joetodd999



    Great atmosphere fitting with True Korean ideals. Every drink is served with a complementary prison labor sentence. I’m already up to 15 years and I’ve only had one pint! See how high you can go.

  • Minh Pham

    Minh Pham


    At first I was worried that I may have entered an inferior pub but on arrival I was delighted that the standards are kept to Dear Kim standards. I ordered a pint of the finest lager and was not disappointed when I recieved un filtered sewage water. It had a fantastic texture to it. To eat was a 3 course meal. To start was an empty plate with drawn in salad. For mains we got a bowl of what I can only assume to be my missing kids. For dessert was the magnificent letter from my wife with her goodbyes. I got really drunk that night i woke up with bruises everywhere and can't remember anything after my dessert. I would like to thank the dear leader for my wonderful experience there and taking me to his wonderful camp. Would give 10 stars but google an inferior service can only provide 5.

  • J Law

    J Law


    I only popped in briefly. I'd worked up a thirst after a particularly long day praising the Dear Leader and scavenging for food. Only one choice of beer (Kimsberg) which was a little disappointing but I was ready for it as drinking rainwater is now considered stealing from the Dear Leader as, thus, punishable by death. Just be careful if you stay in the bar 'after hours' - they have a very literal definition of the term 'lock in'.

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