Rungna Dolphinarium i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0389861, Longitude: 125.7644003
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Kommentar 5

  • Ashley Hall

    Ashley Hall


    Full credit to North Korean conservation effort. These Dolphins looked so life like, you could hardly tell it was just a dude in a suit. I'm not sure if he needed to be zapped with a cattle prod every time he stopped dancing though. And you simply must try the Dorsal fin soup from the cafeteria, simply exquisite!

  • Hoemguy



    Personally I'm not much of a fan of dolphins, but supreme leader really outdid the laws of the universe on thus one. I was skeptical when I was told that dolphin was a delicacy, for in Soviet Russia we do not settle for measly dolphins, but this place is definitely a unique experience. Generally dolphins are too chewy, but the trained jumping out of the water and swimming down your throat really puts it over the edge.

  • Mordecai The Awesome Bluejay #PuppetMaster

    Mordecai The Awesome Bluejay #PuppetMaster


    I expected a Dolphin show to be scheduled. Because this is, after all like Sea World but in Best Korea. But the nice and friendly armed guard inform us that tonight's show has been cancelled, because the Dolphin was eaten by local starving citizens. We were sent back to our concentration camp for the rest of the decade. At least the place looks nice though.

  • nicolas gognet

    nicolas gognet


    I have been used to feed the delphins :) it was a great experience during my travel !

  • Adam Weil

    Adam Weil


    I loved the fresh tuna they had for meal time here, but there was no aquatic life just a skinny guy blowing a whistle.

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