Pyongyang Medical University i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0102361, Longitude: 125.7427356
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Kommentar 5

  • josue argueta

    josue argueta


    They took me to a camp because I said Kim Jong un looks like a chubby girl

  • Andrew Chon

    Andrew Chon


    learned how to use bandaids and also learned to amputate hands with papercuts (super dangerous). today, we performed liposuction on Kim jong un. he gained 50 pounds instead. Luckily he cant read the scale (no one really can) so he never knew :)

  • Aiden Radley

    Aiden Radley


    Started off great. But they started teaching me about how if someone is sick they have too much of a body fluid. Then when I went to China to work.... Well I guess removing 1/2 the blood of a stabbing victims unconscious body is not the right way to treat him.

  • Grant Kearn

    Grant Kearn


    They taught me how to amputate in combat and also to put a bandaid on. Great school. Master Un even stops by for a thyroid check every once in a while

  • Pun Lord

    Pun Lord


    They say it is a "medical school..." That is a lie and a front for their true intentions. They are learning plastic surgery techniques to make everyone look like the Glorious Leader. They're planning on unveiling it in a few years and making it mandatory so everyone will resemble the incredible beauty of the General and North Korea will have the most beautiful people on the planet.

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