Pyeongyang classification yard i Pyongyang

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Sochon Street, Pyongyang, KP North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0610494, Longitude: 125.7271314
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Kommentar 5

  • Ho-Lee Fuk

    Ho-Lee Fuk


    Don't believe the name of this place! This is actually the Kim Relocation Center where people go when they are bad! I have been here for 5 years. There are guards all over the place with guns! They used to have guard dogs, but the guards were hungry and ate them.

  • Aaron



    So after I got kicked out of the museum, Phil Hendrie and I were never taken here because we couldn't stop laughing. I miss Phil being on the air and it was good to see him again. We got separated and his yells stopped after they heard yell that he was part of The Citizens Auxiliary Police. I ended up being able to get out by promising discounts at Teds of Beverly Hills Steakhouse.

  • Dylan Newby

    Dylan Newby


    This is where I went to be sent to a labor camp. We were told told that we would be making "splodey bois" aimed at this place called "America"

  • Euan Gallagher

    Euan Gallagher


    bruh, this aint no classification yard. my boys got executed, i only got away becuase i had not eaten in 9 months and could fit in between the 5mm fence

  • Mykola Bilak

    Mykola Bilak


    I've almost got classified there. The ones that we not as lucky as me, told it was a standart anal classification they do at this place.

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