Haebangsan Hotel i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0134667, Longitude: 125.7505833
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Kommentar 5

  • Keith Ryan

    Keith Ryan


    Use the secret door directly behind the car park for the most wonderful experience of your life

  • Taylor Zielinski

    Taylor Zielinski


    Place gave me nightmares

  • KFCMcOvin is god

    KFCMcOvin is god


    Took my family here for vacation. Told them to stand next to a monument and they got gunned down. Horrible trip experience! 3 stars for the starving slave waiter at the bar across the river

  • Kenneth Webster

    Kenneth Webster


    If you're ok with sleeping in a room filled with hidden microphones, this is the place for you. Nice room, hardly any parasites or holes in the wall (there are a few, but that's to be expected). Honestly, once you get passed the fact that there DPRK government agents watching you with tiny cameras, it's a very relaxing hotel to stay in.

  • NickRomano



    This Hotel was great! The 10 year old children serving my breakfast were very kind to me. Unfortunately there was something wrong with one of the kids after she asked me a question. She was taken into the hallway near the lobby by a man with an AK47 and I think they dropped something because I heard a big bang. Anyways, the hallways in the hotel were pretty nice and clean except for the one near the dining hall where I ate earlier. When I asked what happened, they told me that they apparently spilled a bucket of red paint and they had to clean it up which was weird because the paint looked very thick and coagulated like blood, but it must have been one of been a North Korean Brand Paint. Later that day I saw that one kid from the dining hall who asked me the question about clean water in America was being brought out on a stretcher. I asked the medics who were also carrying AK47s and had blood on their shirts what happened. Unfortunately the little girl fell down the stairs punctured multiple bullet looking type holes in her chest. Besides that tragic event, they were very kind to me and gave me a cool microchip to put in my arm after I left. I had heard a rumor that it can send an electric shock that could cause a seizure. But I'm pretty sure that's just bad talk about North Korea. The friendly guard with an AK47 told me it was some type of precaution in case someone says something dishonest about the HotelAHgagpkagpejbvnkajdkf dhskgfiegbjaskngldangonapoignraongjnasjogbrojasdgbvskjbrvgkjabsjasjrkgblakjsrbigkjbasrjgbakjrbgkjbskbghabsghkajrsbgb asrkhbghbsahgsahg

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