Grand People's Study House i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0202923, Longitude: 125.749265
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Kommentar 5

  • Veronica-Christa De Angelis

    Veronica-Christa De Angelis


    9gag fellas over here spaming google maps

  • Ryan Bethke

    Ryan Bethke


    One huge meth lab kim payed us a visit and told us how he makes it

  • Chris Pressnell

    Chris Pressnell


    I know this place, this is the place where everyone is taught to imitate the boy king..It's gotta feel good knowing you look up to a greasy fat bisexual coward..But then again, he does take after his father and grandfather..They were greasy fat bisexual cowards too..

  • David McWilliams

    David McWilliams


    Didn't read anything but me and Kim played a lot of Call of Duty. He sucks at it and the wifi is laggy but it was ok overall.

  • Hidden Below

    Hidden Below


    They only have Korean books and they refuse to issue a library card to foreigners. You're better off to stroll to the nearby foreign book store on the corner of Somun St./Sungri St which is just a few block away from here.

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