Foreign Language Bookshop i Pyongyang

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Sungri Street, Pyongyang, Central District, KP North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0218762, Longitude: 125.754271
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Kommentar 5

  • C. Quinn

    C. Quinn


    Do you like Great Leader-approved books? Of course you do, you'd be dead if you didn't! Which means you're going to love, love, love this Foreign Language Book Store. The savvy shopper will find all seven of Great Leaders collected works in several languages: Korean, Chinese and Russian. You will never EVER find a book in the disgusting pig grunts that pass for the English language, which is the worst language in the world. When it comes to the Foreign Language Bookshop, you know what they say: Come for the literature, stay for the indoctrination!




    They urged me to buy books such as 'Studies in Kim Jong-Un's Eyebrows' and 'How my republic isn't democratic: A memoir'

  • James Bond

    James Bond


    Found several issues of How To Make America Great with several of the pages dog-eared...I guess Fat Man Kim saves his page.

  • Caol Devine

    Caol Devine


    Wow what can I say. Not much in any other language that's for sure. Brought a comic book about a superhero called supreme leader. Can't wait to see what he does next.

  • Steven White

    Steven White


    Your tour guides will bring you here to buy postcards newspapers and books. Any newspaper that has a image of "dear leader" can not be destroyed or even folded across the image! This mean you can buy "pyongyang times" newspapers going back months. They only cost around €1 each, so worth buying a few! I also bought a few hand painted propaganda posters here. They cost around €40 each but still worth it.

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