Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran i Munhung-dong

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Munhung-dong, Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850 2 381 7500
Latitude: 39.035975, Longitude: 125.7858887
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Kommentar 5

  • dumb nibber

    dumb nibber


    i dropped in here with Kim to get a kebab but while we were there a terrorist suicide bomber blew us all up and now im in hospital with 3 missing limbs but Kim is 100% OK because the supreme leader is immune to explosions

  • Robin Ellis

    Robin Ellis


    I like Kippas.

  • Lola Montes

    Lola Montes


    This place was a dream come true lots of women dressed in black who hardly spoke a word, and then only when prompted by the gentlemen to entertain. This was a Submissives Pleasure ground.

  • Arne Wiik

    Arne Wiik


    No free internet here either. Whole place seems to be an gentelmansclub, saw no women here.

  • Stanley Kedjxopaz

    Stanley Kedjxopaz


    This place is *the* talk of the town, because this is where you can find a hair stylist who will cut your hair to look exactly like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's. Highly recommended & absolutely worth the side trip.

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