中朝友谊塔 i Pyongyang

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North Korea, Pyongyang, Unnamed Rd,
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0509664, Longitude: 125.7559995
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Kommentar 5

  • Vandalize My Google Docs

    Vandalize My Google Docs


    Too much ching chong

  • Amjad Shaikh

    Amjad Shaikh


    The Great Leader jumped out of the bushes in nothing more than a long trench coat, and flashed at me. I'm still recovering from that horror show. Be afraid of the bushes folks

  • Kimlee Bryan Salvacion

    Kimlee Bryan Salvacion


    Ugly place. Brainwashed people. Horrible Leader.

  • nneb



    A riot broke out because some moron was playing with our godly stick. Me and Un beat him then lynched him. All those who participated in the riots got slaughtered and some guy got a Poorpuel Hourt for shooting him. Nice chile dogs though.

  • Kewin Jhonstone

    Kewin Jhonstone


    Guarded by Kim Jong-un's belly. Best security ever as it is so large you cannot get past it to display your American Nazi propaganda

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