University of Foreign Studies i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +92 346 4353635
Latitude: 39.065316, Longitude: 125.7678344
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Kommentar 5

  • Jon Sevigny

    Jon Sevigny


    I enrolled for french conversation but there are actually no classes other than hawaiian pigin and some phonetic classes in Swedish. Also there is a serious lack of chairs in the class rooms.

  • Ann Rew

    Ann Rew


    here you can become an expert of: 1) kim yong yun sciences. 2) kim yong il sciences. 3) kim il sung sciences.

  • Joe Andersmith

    Joe Andersmith


    The classes were okay but the food tasted like dog! That’s because it actually was. The hamburgers were really salty and tasted kinda like human flesh. I recognize the taste from back home in America. Really takes me back. My favourite class was the one on how to get away with warcrimes. It was extremely educational. I learned what to do if I accidentally started a genocide and what to do if you nukes someone by accident. I have inserted a picture of one of our meals into this post. It was delicious! 👌 I rate 10/10

  • Brock Friedman

    Brock Friedman


    A university is a place of learning. This is not. It is a propaganda factory for heavy political and ideological indoctrination. Students are primarily busy with maintaining statues and pictures of the leaders. Stay away at all costs.

  • Dixie Normous IV

    Dixie Normous IV


    I really liked this Uni because of the courses, from: How to cause a international outrage class, to Nuke The USA, Japan, and South Korea Program. Who cares about the concentration camp style housing? Who cares about the lack of food? Who cares about the World? Who cares about people's value? Who cares about international peace? North Korea of Course! North Korea is a really caring country unlike everyone else. Their classes teach you about how to start a ruckus to save yourself, this is a great Uni.

Nærmeste Universitet:

Foreign Student Building No.3

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