Pyongyang University i Pionyang

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Pionyang, Corea del Norte
Kontakter telefon: +850
Latitude: 39.0349404, Longitude: 125.7341936
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Kommentar 5

  • Ping Lao

    Ping Lao


    Got my nuclear expert degree here, i learned to make nukes, shoot Americans and sabotage western trade routes, very fun education.

  • tstanton_ _

    tstanton_ _


    The greatest place I've ever been. The best part is when I was playing on the playground with my best buddy Kim and we shot some people who refused to obey the Supreme Leader. 10/10 would recommend.

  • Jacob Yasin

    Jacob Yasin


    The greatest place I've ever been. The best part is when I was playing on the playground with my best buddy Kim and we shot some poor people. 10/10 would recommend.

  • Tom Tamaira

    Tom Tamaira


    Great university for homeless people wanting to live a normal life. During my uneducated time at this so called university I learned how to cook dog in 5 different ways to please the great leader Kim Jong-Un.

  • Gill Baljeet Singh

    Gill Baljeet Singh


    Reviews regarding Pyongyang University states Education is of poor quality in this University. Country where Dictatorship Rule exists and where Kim Jong Un and his father and Grandfather are forcefully existing as God of the Nation, then, how Education Standards can remain good even in Such National University of such Nation. If we believe on Reviews on this University, situation is really worse for Education in North Korea which will remain worse if Kim Jong Un is not removed from the Power and some right person either a North Korean or an Outsider who really cares for the Nation and comes into Power in place of Kim Jong Un can only improve Conditions of North Korea and honestly doing his/her job to progress the Nation. I feel my People have suffered a lot under Dictatorship Rule of Kim Jong Un and needs Independence from this Rule which can only be possible by sacrificing lives for Independence of the Nation to build the Bright Future of the Nation for coming new generation. Condition is really sad and disappointed for any sensitive person who wish to live in a Peaceful Nation where Human Rights Violation is considered as serious crime in view of Sensitive Government of the Nation.

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