East Pyongyang Stadium i Pyongyang

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Pyongyang, North Korea
Kontakter telefon: +850
Hjemmeside: heavy-r.com
Latitude: 39.0150828, Longitude: 125.7881054
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Kommentar 4

  • Ho-Lee Fuk

    Ho-Lee Fuk


    Do not make the mistake I did. I arrived early for the soccer match and was pulled out of my seat and was told I would be part of the opening ceremony for his glorious leader! I was like "OK" and was escorted to the field with others. We were all lined up in a straight line up against a wall. Damn if some people there started shooting at us! I was luck enough to throw a couple bodies over myself until it was all over. I peaked out and glorious leader was handing out medals to all the shooters.

  • Samuel Todd

    Samuel Todd


    Got to watch a concert here, amazing. My only complaint is that I got chosen for a random search and then was hauled to a hunger camp for 12 years. Other than that it was great!

  • Pilko



    Kim scored 27 goals and assisted 300

  • david baltuttis

    david baltuttis


    Schön. Schön blöd.

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